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Prep Time:

10 Minutes

Cook Time:

15 Minutes





About the Recipe

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1/3 green cabbage

6 eggs

1/2 flour

1t salt

1t soy sauce

1t sesame oil

300g prawns (cooked and deshelled)

6 spring onions

2T oil

Kewpie mayonnaise

Okonomiyaki sauce


  1. Thinly slice the cabbage. A mandolin is great for this!

  2. Mix eggs, flour, salt, soy sauce, sesame oil, and most of the chopped spring onions in a large bowl.

  3. Add the prawns and then cabbage.

  4. Heat the oil in a fry pan.

  5. Add pancake sized spoonfuls of the mixture to the hot pan. Cook each side until golden.

  6. Serve with the mayo and okonomiyaki sauce (can use standard mayo and BBQ sauce).

  7. Sprinkle with spring onions and enjoy!

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